Please remember that players must have shin-pads for all training sessions - without them they will not be allowed to take part. Likewise any medicinal devices such as inhalers or epi-pens.
- For the BTH 3G and MHA 3G & 4G pitches either moulded/ plastic studs, astro-boots ('dimples') or trainers should be worn. Metal studs/blades are not permitted.
- For the BTH MUGA either astro-boots ('dimples') or trainers should be worn. No form of studs/blades are permitted.
- For the BTH Sports Hall only trainers should be worn.
Clothing - players should come with suitable (waterproof/warm) clothing.
Drinks - players should come with a drink; non-fizzy, either water or fruit juice.
Parking at BTH - see BTH map for details - please DO NOT park (nor drop/collect) on Oakfield Street nor on the track between the back of the school and the 3G facility.
Please note that smoking and dogs (other than assistance dogs) are not permitted anywhere on BTH or MHA grounds; this includes the MUGA and 3G & 4G facilities and their surrounds.